AICTE asks colleges to maintain social distancing from fake news; check official updates on

1 min

The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) has issued a letter to principals and directors of colleges asking them to be aware of fake news.

 AICTE asks colleges to maintain social distancing from fake news; check official updates on

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AICTE has asked colleges to not believe in fake news being spread on social media through WhatsApp, Instagram, Facebook etc.
Colleges have been told to refer to official websites for all matters related to classes, exams, entrance tests, admissions, fee payment, dates and approvals among others.
AICTE tweeted about it too, urging colleges to maintain social distancing from fake news during the coronavirus lockdown.
Earlier, AICTE had shared a public notice by the National Testing Agency (NTA) on Twitter. The NTA notice alerted people about a fake circular which was doing rounds on social media regarding rescheduling of JEE (Main) exam to the first week of July 2020.
The AICTE had on April 15 issued instructions to institutes and colleges regarding payment of fees and payment of salary to faculty members.
In the notification, the technical body directed colleges not to demand fees from students during the lockdown period. It asked colleges to display information in this regard on their website.
On reports of institutes not paying faculty members, AICTE said salaries must be disbursed for the duration of the lockdown. It added that any orders for termination of faculty or staff members during the lockdown period need to be withdrawn.

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