AICTE – DIYguru join hands to offer job-assured Nanodegree Programme in Electric Mobility

1 min

The programme is aimed at training students or professionals with basic knowledge of Class 12-level physics and maths.

DIYguru, a Delhi-based e-mobility upskilling edtech platform has entered into an agreement with the All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE), to offer a job-assured electric vehicle nanodegree programme to final-year engineering students.

The edtech platform, that boasts of big names such as Bosch, Hyundai and Maruti amongst its client base, has designed the programme for students and professionals with basic knowledge of Class 12 level physics & maths. A background in automotive ITI, diploma or engineering will be an added advantage.

The programme will train the students in various aspects of the design, dynamics and analysis of e-mobility software for four months, after which the students will receive two months of hands-on training and also get to work on lab projects on-site in collaboration with electric vehicle companies.

The course will begin with effect from mid March 2021 and will be take new batches biannually.

This is DIYguru’s endeavour to make the workforce ready for the future.

Given the fact that there is a demand for experts in battery, BMS, motor, controllers and EV diagnostics, the repair and maintenance industry also requires resources. More workers will be required as there will be a surge in the number of electric vehicles and charging stations. With this programme, the platform hopes to get the youth ready to take on these jobs in the next five years.

As per the agreement, 25 percent of the total seats in the programme will be kept aside for economically backward students, who will not be charged any fee.

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