DIYguru CEO Awarded – Global Entrepreneurship Award 2019 at IIT Kharagpur

1 min


The Entrepreneurship Cell (E-Cell) is a student body of IIT Kharagpur, formed in 2006 solely with the purpose of inspiring and guiding start-ups in the campus. Standing today, the IIT-KGP E-Cell plays a much wider, national role in student entrepreneurship and has won multiple acclaims across the world.

It actively encourages the spirit of entrepreneurship in various cities through ‘Entrepreneurship Awareness Drive’ (EAD).

Among its activities is SSP – Start-up Services Program – which supports fledgling Start-ups. The E-Cell also connects the young minds from IITKGP, in their early stages of study – to those with Start-up companies in form of summer internships. This program – STARTIN – gives young students an impetus by allowing them to learn the ropes directly from entrepreneurs.

Through the annual international event of Global Entrepreneurship Summit (GES), E-Cell has been organizing many summits participated by academicians, aspiring entrepreneurs, new-age entrepreneurs, eminent business personalities, start-up accelerators, angel network representatives, venture capitalists, and thought leaders.

GES plays host to a variety of events including guest lectures, workshops, Global Entrepreneurship Conference (GEC), Startup Camp, ‘Connect the Dots’ (a conference with participants from E-Cells across the nation), panel discussions, elevator pitch in front of venture capitalists and investors, and the co-founders’ meet.

As part of the GES, E-Cell organizes Empresario for creative minds and budding entrepreneurs to pitch their business ideas as part of a competition that is precursor to their entry into different global events. The successful teams automatically move to international level of competition while all participants receive valuable suggestions from an august panel of judges. The process of pitching before various agents helps the prospective entrepreneur gain unique traction.

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