Drone Appendages

1 min


Where we are

The first generation of drones and camera attachments enabled us to see from the sky. Now they’ve become worker bees with attachments that can spray clean windows and paint the exterior of your house.

Where we’re going

Spanish architecture firm MuDD envisions drones building temporary shelters in humanitarian disaster areas by using a nozzle that can spray cement-like materials onto fabric or light structures. Drones could become dependable allies in remote or inaccessible places and could take on the more dangerous aspects of high risk jobs like window cleaning, wasp nest removal or clearing trees from power lines.

How to think about it

Think about the possibilities when drones can perform physical tasks and engage in more senses like touch and smell, particularly in remote areas that are inaccessible to humans.


Drones Could Spray Your Next House Out Of A Hose

Drones With Flamethrowers Are A Thing You Can Buy Now

Lucid’s Drone Is Built To Clean The Outside Of Your House Or Office

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