E-vehicles industry to create 10 million jobs in future: report

1 min

India has chalked a plan to aid its electric mobility mission by creating a specialised workforce. The blueprint aims at generating 10 million jobs.

The Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship is in the process of preparing the programme to provide adequate manpower to the electric mobility industry.

The strategy includes creating a skilled and trained workforce which has an expertise in design and testing, battery manufacturing and management, sales, services and infrastructure of electric vehicles.

“A specialised curriculum is being developed to cater to workforce demand from the electric mobility industry,” a top official told The Economic Times.

The ministry will administer and supervise the creation of this manpower in an intended and time-bound manner. The government has involved all stakeholder ministries and related-sector skill councils such as automotive, power and the director-general of training for the curriculum. The official told the news daily that the strategy is to move all initiatives to one common platform to realise the desired results.

The government had initiated the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan in the year 2013 with an objective to put 6-7 million electric vehicles on Indian roads by 2020 and committing to achieve 30% e-mobility in the country by 2030.

The government’s Automotive Mission Plan 2026 evaluates to create an additional 65 million jobs in the auto sector.

According to Arindam Lahiri, CEO of the Automotive Skills Development Council, the process of making EV-specific occupational standards has been initiated in partnership with the Pune-based Automotive Research Association of India.

He also said that the “draft is ready and the standards could be formalised by June, after which they would be taken up by the National Skill Development Corporation’s standards team for review and approval.”

As per the news report, DIYguru has partnered with ASDC to launch Nanodegree certification course in E-Mobility. Read Here

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