Game-changer? Bounce turns old scooters into electric vehicles.

. Subsidy on battery . Bounce converted 100 old scooters by spending Rs 25,000 per vehicle on electric motors and another Rs 45,000 on each battery. 1 min

The government’s persevered support to drive adoption of EVs, with an eager attention on locally built electric powered -wheelers will make India the manufacturing hub of EVs, said Ather energy CEO and Co-founder Tarun Mehta.

An experiment through a ridesharing company to retrofit old scooters with electric automobiles guarantees to be a game-changer in adopting electric powered cars.  Although traditional motorcycles are miles in advance in terms of sales despite incentives to EV scooters, bounce has found turning traditional bikes into EVs is a win-win in terms of price range and surroundings.present-day data from the Union government has shown that 18,433 -wheelers have been sold within the country under phase-2 of the Faster Adoption and production of (Hybrid and) electric powered automobiles or fame II. relatively, Karnataka recorded 94,500 purchases in January. 

“The effort has paid off as the cost of operation has come down through Rs 2/km in keeping with bike. we are looking forward to converting the remaining 5.000 vehicles within the coming days,” said Vivekananda H R, co-founder, bounce. The absence of charging infrastructure, negative recognition of the entire cost of ownership on a vehicle’s lifetime and huge upfront costs had been discouraging EV adoption.  “More importantly, people don’t want to give up their motorcycles even after 10 or 15despite excessive petrol expenses. this is where retrofitting will play a main role.

Electric -wheeler makers on Saturday termed as “an outstanding move” through the government to growth subsidy for such automobiles by using 50 consistent with cent under the fame II scheme saying it might be a game-changer within the adoption of eco-friendly automobiles.

The government had on Friday made a partial amendment of the scheme for faster Adoption and production of electrical vehicles in India phase II (fame India phase II), which includes increasing the demand incentive for electric two-wheelers to Rs 15,000 per KWh from the sooner uniform subsidy of Rs 10,000 consistent with KWh for all EVs, together with plug in hybrids and strong hybrids besides busses.

Within the modern modification, the department of heavy industries additionally capped incentives for electric -wheelers at 40 according to cent of the cost of automobiles, up from 20 per cent earlier.

“The revision within the fame (II) policy, increasing the subsidy through 50 consistent with cent according to KWh, is an outstanding move. sales of electric -wheelers have grown no matter the pandemic and with this extra subsidy, we anticipate electric powered -wheeler sales to disrupt the market, and clock 6 million-plus units through 2025,” Ather electricity CEO and Co-founder Tarun Mehta said in a statement.

Game-changer? Bounce turns old scooters into electric vehicles.

We figured that EV adoption in India can be accelerated simply by converting existing petrol scooters into EV. Want to test or experience how retrofit feels?

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