Govt rolls out online classes for ITI students amid Coronavirus Lockdown

1 min

The Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship has made available extensive online resources through the Directorate General of Training for around 2 million students enrolled in industrial training institutes who are unable to attend classes due to the nationwide lockdown.
“We have taken a number of initiatives to ensure that students of industrial training institutes (ITIs), Instructor Training Institutes as well as trainers and faculty of ITIs can continue to learn,” a ministry official said.
As part of the initiative, for ITI students and trainers, the complete curriculum is available through video lessons, question banks, mock tests and e-learning content through the Bharat Skills portal, also available as a mobile friendly application.
The National Skill Development Corporation has also rolled out its e-skill portal where it is offering 400 courses in English, Hindi and nine regional languages.
A bouquet of e-courses are available ranging from basic employability enhancing courses such as impression management, customer services, digital and financial literacy to trade-oriented courses for various sectors such as retail, agriculture, apparel, healthcare, automotive, tourism and artificial intelligence, the official said.
“The access to all the above portals and platforms are free. The students may gain digital badge on their skills acquired in certain courses. These tools will help to keep them in touch with their learnings and courses without disruptions,” he added.

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