Honda files Multiple EV patents in India

Honda is keen on building its 'EV' credentials, following in the footsteps of Bajaj Auto, TVS and Hero MotoCorp1 min

  • Patents filed for battery packs, chargers, motors, andvehicles.
  • Drawings show an electric motorcycle similar to the CB300R.

With many mass-market two-wheeler manufacturers like Bajaj, TVS and Hero MotoCorp venturing into electric mobility. Honda appears to gearing up and give a boost to its EV product portfolio/technology in India. Honda has carried out several EV-associated patents in India, and appears to have invested closely in developing electric powered two-wheelers.

Honda is eager on constructing its ‘EV’ credentials, following within the footsteps of Bajaj automobile, TVS and Hero MotoCorp, who has an electric scooter ready to be launched and has huge funding in gather energy. Reports endorse that HMSI has filed a couple of patents in India within the previous couple of months, that are associated with electric powered vehicles and EV technology in general. within the current beyond, the organization additionally filed an expansion of patents for detachable battery packs, charging infrastructure, cooling systems and so on.

Patents show that the scooter comes with a 4.2 kW motor and a detachable 50.4 V lithium-ion battery percent. And the battery can be charged without removing it as properly, through a charging cable, however being removable simply offers the delivered comfort. The Honda PCX provided in worldwide markets, include an inner combustion engine hybrid, in addition to complete-electric powered powertrains. In India although, reports advise that the PCX electric is the only being patented. rumor mills also recommend that Honda has filed patents for an electric powered bike, which resembles the Honda CB300R.

Honda files various EV patents in India

New patent filings hint that Honda is hard at work developing electric two-wheelers for India.

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