How to start an electric vehicle conversion business in India?

3 min

A decade ago, it was extremely troublesome to convert your fuel-driven car into an electric vehicle. Purchasing an electric car was too expensive. It is a costly affair even in 2020. However, there is an option. Now, you can convert your petrol or diesel car into an electric one. The authorities have given permission to make changes in your vehicle to make it more environment-friendly.
Phasing out of old cars can be looked at from this angle as well, where they undergo a transformation with the help of an electric-powered core. The authorities have made some changes to the Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989 in this regard. Vehicles can now be retrofitted with an electric core. One can opt for electric battery-operated systems to power vehicles and save the environment from pollution.
Electric Vehicle Conversion Industry:
As per the modified Central Motor Vehicles Rules, 1989, guidelines related to retrofitting can be divided into three segments: electric vehicle conversion for all types, hybrid conversion for vehicles with a weight of 3.5 tonnes, and those above that.
While this move is deemed positive for its environmental impact, there are apprehensions on the cost front. This process can be expensive for the common people. The diesel/petrol to electric car conversion kit is provided by several companies namely E-trio Automobiles and BharatMobi. The electric car kit price and other aspects of conversions can cost around five lakhs.
You can look into the possible business model of these companies who are into the retrofitting business and try to improve on areas where customers are facing issues. It may be cost, range, or durability.
The Kits you will be using to do the conversion will require approval from ARAI / ICAT. You can learn more about the rules and regulations here.
Govt-Laws To Retrofit-Guidelines And Specifications
The notification consists of guidelines and specifications as per the government,
Divided into three categories:

  • Hybrid conversions for vehicles weighing up to 3.5 tonnes,
  • Hybrid conversion for vehicles above 3.5 tonnes, and
  • Pure electric conversions for all classes of vehicles.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Is it possible to convert a diesel or petrol car into an electric car?

Yes, it is possible to convert a diesel or a petrol car into an electric car with the help of retrofitting.

Is it true that electric cars are less expensive to maintain as compared to fuel-driven cars?

Yes, electric cars are less expensive to maintain as compared to fuel-driven cars because they have less complex machinery to be taken care of.

Can electric cars play an important role in saving our environment?

Fuel-driven cars are taking a huge toll on the environment as they cause air pollution. By going the electric way, cars will not depend upon fuel for their power source and thus there will be a considerable reduction in pollution.

Is changing car engines illegal in India?

You can change your car’s engine in India but you will need prior approval from your Regional Transport Office (RTO) for the same.

What is the average distance that can be covered by an electric car in one charge?

On average, electric cars are capable of covering around 50 to 100 miles in one charge. High-end models such as those by Tesla can cover more than 200 miles in a single charge.

What is the approximate cost for the best electric motor for car conversion?

The approximate cost for converting a car into an electric one with retrofitting can be in the range of rupees four to five lakhs.

Can one save money by going for an electric car?

Fully electric cars do not need fuel. Thus, you will save money on fuel by purchasing a fully electric car. Besides, they are low maintenance as well.

Can I convert my old car into an electric vehicle?

Yes, it is possible to convert an old car into an electric vehicle. Phasing out initiatives make old cars the best cars to convert to electric. You will have to speak with the professionals to know if your car is conducive to undergoing such a transformation.

How do electric car batteries work?

They need to be charged to stay functional and be able to power the vehicle to move.

What are the Pros and Cons of an electric car?

Like every other machine, electric cars also have their Pros and Cons, have a look. Pros: No fuel, low maintenance, enhanced safety, environment-friendly, future-oriented. Cons: Not enough infrastructure to support such cars as of now.

What’s the appropriate amount of time to charge an electric vehicle?

The answer will differ from one model to another. Please refer to your vehicle’s manual for the right answer.

How to enhance the maximum range of an electric vehicle?

The maximum range/productivity of an electric vehicle can be enhanced by driving in ‘Eco Mode’, leveraging Regenerative Braking, and managing the air conditioning system.

Is there any course which can give me an understanding of powertrain calculation, motor and battery capacity calculations?
There are many courses online but for retrofitting specifically, you can opt for DIYguru Electric Vehicle Course Fundamentals costing you 5-10K useful for those willing to start a business in EV and can be anyone from different fields of study.

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