India's largest online aptitude & scholarship test for electric vehicle engineering course1 min

“We Believe that education is freedom. It provides the key to unlock the door of freedom.”

On this occasion of 75th Independence Day, DIYguru took an initiative to give freedom scholarship to one enrollee from each state union territory Join on in this mission of freedom and make our initiative #MissionOneNation, successful on 75th Independence Day.

How to Apply?

Students applying for scholarships for the first time (Fresh Students) need to “Register” on the  portal as a fresh applicant by providing accurate and authenticated information in the “Student Registration Form”.

Before initiating registration process, students / Parents / guardian are advised to keep the following documents handy:

1. Educational documents of student

3. Aadhaar number of the student

4. If Aadhaar is not available, then Bonafide student certificate from Institute / School.

The global onset of COVID-19 has drastically affected all of us — through the fabric of our daily lives, and also through its reverberations in economic systems on local and global scales. Green, innovative, agile and scalable solutions are being demanded of our governments, our employers and our societies. As the last decade has proven, global economic sustainability and resilience is intrinsically intertwined with social and environmental empowerment.

Electric vehicles (Vs) are part of the fourth industrial revolution. EVs have various advantages over ICE vehicles (ICEVs), including cheaper fuel, lower maintenance costs, and less air pollution. If EVs become cheaper to buy and operate than ICEVs, consumers should naturally be drawn towards electric models. Government incentives and regulations are already helping to close this gap. The union government is trying to encourage the adoption of electric mobility to reduce the dependency on crude oil imports and bring down pollution across the cities. With its cleaner carbon footprint and reduced localised pollution, e-mobility can serve as a solution

As a result, these technologies can produce new products and new jobs, but also cause possible displacement of jobs. In the next few years, employment growth is expected in most occupations in the EV industry, according to a study by the Center for Entrepreneurship and Technology at the University of California, Berkeley. Growth is expected in manufacturing industries and the domestic energy sector as the need increases for batteries and charging stations. New types of automobile manufacturing jobs will also be created; however, many of these jobs will be filled by current manufacturing employees or those who were displaced by recent downsizing of the automobile manufacturing industry.

For more information contact / 748989898

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