Is the Hyundai Kona Electric a good SUV choice for the Indian Road?

4 min

  I was really excited about this test drive. Ever since Hyundai announced the upcoming availability of the Hyundai Kona’s electric version at the Manila International Auto Show in April 2019, I had been excited to try out this car, electric or otherwise. From not knowing much about the Kona, I was suddenly doing a lot of research about it—reading motoring articles from both local and international outlets, and watching video reviews on YouTube. I even went as far as to check out the Kona EV in person at a South Delhi showroom. By doing so, I got to experience the cockpit, sit in the front and back seats, see the full spec sheet of the model they offered in India, and learn a lot about the different features of the Kona EV. All said, for a good couple of months in 2019, I was telling my partners at DIYguru, “Our next car will be a Kona EV.” There were some good things, some bad ones, and some surprises I learned along the way. This time, I’m sharing my thoughts on the Hyundai Kona with a special mention of appreciating it from the point of view of an electric car in the Indian market with maximum range.

Overall look gives you a feel of mid-sized crossover



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