Maruti Suzuki Japan India Institute of Manufacturing (JIM) to start Electric Vehicle Training in Mehsana in collaboration with DIYguru

2 min

Taking the opportunity of Prime Minister Abe’s official visit to India, the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry (METI) announced four Japan-India Institutes for Manufacturing (JIMs) and one Japanese Endowed Courses (JEC) were opened this summer and two more companies are planning to open JIMs in India based on the Manufacturing Skill Transfer Promotion Programme, for which METI and the Ministry of Skill Development and Entrepreneurship of India (MSDE) signed a memorandum in November 2016.

1. Outline

Taking the opportunity of Prime Minister Abe’s official visit to India, METI introduced four JIMs and one JEC, which were opened between July and September this year based on the Manufacturing Skill Transfer Promotion Programme signed by METI and MSDE in November 2016, and screened a video at the summit session. Additionally, METI announced that Hitachi Construction Machinery Japan Co., Ltd. and Toyota Tsusho Corporation are planning to open JIMs in India.
* Japan-India Institute for Manufacturing: An institute where a Japanese company directly teaches the discipline and attitude required at a manufacturing site and practical skills to young people in India to train future floor shop leaders
* Japanese Endowed Courses: A course that a Japanese company offers to a university in India for practical professional education in the manufacturing field.

2. Electric Vehicle Based Training

JIM, Mehsana in collaboration with DIYguru, India’s Maker’s Learning Platform and skill partner for NITI Aayog, Electric Vehicle Summit is going to offer EV training to students who are enrolled in Japan India Institute of Manufacturing. The course duration will be of 6 months, the motive is to prepare a workforce which will cater to the increasing demand of Electric Vehicle Engineers in India.

Representative from DIYguru & Maruti Suzuki

3. Screening of a video at the summit session

Video screening at the summit session
Representatives from Maruti Suzuki India Limited, Toyota Kirloskar Motor Private Limited, Daikin Airconditining India Pvt. Ltd., INDIA YAMAHA MOTOR PVT. LTD and Prime Meiden Limited (right to left)

The video is available at the following URL.


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