MG Motors to manufacture electric vehicle EZS in India

1 min

Automobile major MG Motors India on Wednesday said that it plans to manufacture electric vehicle EZS at its facility in Gujarat, ahead of the vehicle’s India launch in December.

According to the company, the EV will offer a full-sized boot and room for five in the form of a compact SUV.

“The MG EZS, as one of the first locally-produced global EVs, will mark a new chapter in the environment-friendly mobility in India,” said Rajeev Chaba, President & Managing Director, MG Motor India.

“We are delighted to be one of the first carmakers to enter this space and aim to bring accessible electric motoring to Indian customers upon the introduction of MG EZS by the end of this year.”

MG Motor India has so far made an investment of 2,200 crore at its plant and has installed an all-new assembly line.

The company’s first vehicle in India, Hector, will be launched later this month with a high level of localized content.

Read the original text from here.

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