No more registration charges for electric vehicles in India

1 min

  • Ministry of road transport and Highways (MoRTH) has introduced all battery-operated automobiles are here on exempt from ‘the price of expenses for the motive of trouble or renewal of registration certificate
  • The concept is to encourage e-mobility and quicker adoption of electrical automobiles within the country. 
  • At present, the customers of an electric four-wheeler car pay between Rs 1000 to Rs 1500 as registration certificates

As a component of it decide to sell electric-powered vehicles, India has now taken yet another measure to encourage citizens to move the electrical way – customers of electrical vehicles will no longer have to pay charges for the issuance or renewal of the registration certificates in their automobile. In an exceedingly latest notification, the Ministry of road transport and Highways (MoRTH) has introduced all battery-operated automobiles are here on exempt from ‘the price of expenses for the motive of trouble or renewal of registration certificate’. 

The ministry had introduced the draft notification in may additionally 2021 to similarly amend the central motorcars policies, 1989 providing to exempt Battery-Operated automobiles (BOA) from paying charges for problem or renewal of registration certificates (RC) and undertaking of latest registrations. The concept is to encourage e-mobility and quicker adoption of electrical automobiles within the country. 

No extra registration fees for electric automobiles. The Indian authorities have given the green sign to a landmark rule, during a bid to draw in greater people to think about and buy electric cars, the important government has scrapped the registration prices of electrical automobiles completely. 

At present, the customers of an electric four-wheeler car pay between Rs 1000 to Rs 1500 as registration certificates problem/ renewal charges. however, the two-wheeler electric-powered automobile proprietors pay Rs 300 for registration certificate problem/ renewal expenses. 

The government would possibly have a new scheme for promoting the use of electric-powered or battery-operated automobiles – there’ll no longer be any want for trouble or renewal of registration certificates. This move through the government comes at a time while the world is shifting toward a cleaner approach to transport. moreover, this move through the government will provide a lift to consumers for buying electric powered motors. This could actually play a big part within the government’s push for electrically powered automobiles. 

If you are an owner of an electric vehicle or planning to purchase one, then definitely this is good news for you. 

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