Nissan turns over a new Leaf with China-made Sylphy electric car

1 min

Nissan has debuted the Sylphy Zero Emission electric car at Auto China 2018 in Beijing as the first Nissan EV made in China for Chinese consumers. The new model is based on the Nissan Leaf and has a range of about 388 km (241 miles) per the Chinese range testing standard.
“The new Sylphy Zero Emission is the next step in our electrification strategy for China,” said Jose Munoz, Nissan’s chief performance officer and chairman of the Management Committee for China. “The new Sylphy Zero Emission will be Nissan’s first mass-production electric vehicle for the China market and one of 20 electrified models that we plan to introduce over the next five years.”
Like the Leaf, the Sylphy will charge from the front, with charge ports hidden under a...
Using the Leaf’s platform, the Sylphy is on a full-sized wheelbase and offers more interior room than the compact Leaf. Connectivity within the car allows audio and video in the Sylphy to be controlled from a mobile phone.
Nissan has otherwise kept information about the car’s specifics close to its chest, including battery pack size, charging style and times, and so forth. More information is promised closer to the car’s release later in 2018. Meanwhile you can watch the full launch in the video below (skip to the 1:35 mark).
Source: Nissan

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