Ola Electric is betting big on the electric vehicle ecosystem. After announcing the construction of world’s largest electric two-wheeler factory in Tamil Nadu, the company now plans to unveil its ‘Hypercharger Network’, which is billed to be the world’s largest, densest EV charging network. The network will cater to Ola’s upcoming two-wheeler models starting, with its first product, Ola scooter, to be launched in the coming months. The ‘Hypercharger Network’ will offer a comprehensive set of charging options to Ola’s EV customers which include high-speed Ola hyperchargers and home-chargers that will be offered as standard with Ola electric scooter purchase.
(Ola Electric will launch its first EV in the coming months)
Announcing the plans, Bhavish Aggarwal, Chairman and Group CEO, Ola, said, “Electric is the future of mobility and we are reimagining the entire user experience of owning an electric vehicle. Our plan to build a comprehensive charging network is a key piece of this. By creating the world’s largest and densest 2-wheeler charging network, we will dramatically accelerate the customer adoption of electric vehicles and rapidly move the industry to electric.”
(The upcoming Ola facility in Tamil Nadu will be a global production hub for the brand’s electric scooters)
The idea is to offer 100,000 charging points across 400 cities over a period of time. Ola says it will set up 5,000 charging points across 100 cities in India in the first year itself, which is more than double the existing charging infrastructure in the country. Ola claims that its scooter can be charged up to 50 per cent in just 18 minutes and offer a 75 km range, thereby reducing the ever present range anxiety for its customers. The company also plans to build automated, multi-level charging and parking systems in big cities, business districts, IT parks, malls and other popular areas.
Credit – Car and bikes
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