AICTE Asks Students Not To Take Summer Internships In Other Organisations.

1 min

The All India Council for Technical Education (AICTE) has asked its affiliated institutes to instruct students to not take up summer internships in other organisations.
If you’re a college student affected by coronavirus, time to start your online summer training at home.

AICTE has also asked the institutes to provide their students internships in which they can work from home. This advise from the technical education regulator comes as the country is on lockdown due to the COVID-19 outbreak.
Students take summer internships during this time of the year where they engage in real-time projects.
“#AICTE directs all its Approved Institutes to instruct students NOT to take up any Summer #Internships outside organizations. Instead colleges/institutes should give challenging problems as #internship which can be done #FromHome,” the Council’s first tweet reads.

For some students in India & US, school’s and colleges are already out for the summer — sort of. A growing number of colleges and universities around the country are canceling in-person classes and asking students to leave campus as a precaution to prevent the spread of the coronavirus. Some, like Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Technology and Berea College, have asked students to vacate campus for the rest of the semester. Others, like the University of Washington and The Ohio State University, are moving their classes online for a few weeks while they continue to monitor the situation.

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