Govt. of Karnataka signs MOU with ASDC & DIYguru for E-Mobility upskilling in ITI’s

3 min

DIYguru entered into a joint Memorandum of Agreement (MoA) with Govt. of karnataka to upskills students in 150 ITI’s which has been modernized recently with an investment of INR 4,600 crore with support from Tata Technologies Ltd.

Any emerging technology is supported by a pillar of three domains. The research-training, the industries and the Government reforms. While the research-training aspect works on the transformation of the country’s young minds, making them ready and eligible to be a part of the emerging technical changes, the industries play a crucial role in realization of the technology as a product/service. Those two critical aspects should ideally operate on a parallel basis, where the training-research works on the feedback loop system with the industrial requirements, enabling the students to manifest the precise learning path and career changes. The third pillar, ‘Government reforms and vision’ has the authority to be a driving factor in this whole transformation. Transformation of industries, while accepting the need to improvise their adopted methodologies, and transforming the academics, while encapsulating the knowledge and research on upcoming industrial needs. Electric Vehicle is one such inevitable and evident technology change in the automotive sector, where each country and state shall be playing its own self-defined role. In such a scenario of self-realization, each state within India has their own mindset and technology roadmap, on how it shall adapt to the need of ‘going electric’.

The government of Karnataka has now taken such crucial step, in merging the upcoming industrial requirements with the training solutions and took the initiative to launch dedicated Electric Vehicle “Technology Hubs”, such that an interconnected, dynamic yet stable ecosystem of training and research could be established, will aligned with the industrial needs, and thoroughly complimenting the vision of Government of Karnataka.

Government of Karnataka (GoK) supported by Tata Technologies Limited (TTL) and 20 Industry Partners has launched this program to transform 150 Government owned Industrial Training Institutes (ITI) into “Technology Hubs”. This program is first of its kind initiative in India and primarily aims to create a skilled workforce across Karnataka to address Industry 4.0 manpower needs. This program gradually aims to create 20,000 highly skilled individuals per annum through long term courses and train 1,00,000 professionals per annum through short-term courses. Training in these courses is expected to increase opportunities for ITI graduates in employment and entrepreneurship. Automotive Skills Development Council and DIYguru have collaborated together to initiate training in Automotive related courses and to start with 20+ ITIs mostly in the urban areas and nearby Bangalore City. This will be for the first 2 financial years, where the program by ASDC & DIYguru shall be implemented to over 6000 students, based on a certain enrolment and selection process. The company will also deploy 300 training personnel along with the industry partners during the whole training process, and shall facilitate the deployment of advanced tools and equipment.

To design the training solution in an efficient manner, DIYguru and ASDC have well segregated the ‘to be launched’ training program in two phases. ‘Short term’ and ‘Long term’ programs. Short term training modules aim to provide skill oriented, industry specific training solutions in the domain of Electric vehicle designing, maintenance, servicing, simulation, product development, battery management, data analytics, EV dynamics, battery pack and Technician training.

However, the ‘Long term’ training is dedicated for those students, who aim to obtain an extensive, continuous and regular engagement while defining their career in the EV domain. As a part of the long-term plan, DIYguru shall train students over a period of 12-18 months, covering each aspect of EV technical, electrical, mechanical, business, testing, managerial, R&D and analytics. To make the training industry specific, software in the area of simulation, designing, assembly, modeling and testing shall be targeted. To achieve the last-mile connectivity, placement support shall also be provided to each student enrolled in the long term program, thus, attaining the vision of Government of Karnataka, to create 20,000 highly skilled individuals, with necessary technical , managerial, computational and communication skills.

Each training program is accompanied with technical courses, and to well envelop all the subdomains  of EV technical, the enrolled students will be working on a maximum of 25 technical and LIVE R&D projects!, over a period of 12-18 months! The training objectives can be summarized as follows:

  • To utilize the transformed ITIs for industry relevant trainings:
  • To work with the GoK to finalize the ITIs based on possible student mobilization, training
  • needs, and existing/possible infrastructure facilities.
  • Create Opportunity to recruit industry ready manpower
  • Create Opportunity to reskill & upskill existing manpower through tailored courses and opportunity to work on Industry Projects, Placement/Apprenticeship &
  • Entrepreneurship opportunities with more than 12 industrial projects, complete placement preparation sessions, and training in EV business opportunities.

With more than 15 training courses, 6 technical softwares, 25 technical projects, 5 EV domains, and a series of practical trainings & workshops, targeting the necessary transition of students towards the world of EV and future mobility, DIYguru takes the necessary actions, to fulfill its mission to upskill 1 million users by 2025, and successfully collaborates with ASDC and Government of Karnataka (GoK), supported by Tata Technologies Limited (TTL) and 20 Industry Partners!

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