Top 5 reasons why you should go for Electric Vehicle Certification in 2021

2 min

There is a huge skill gap between industry and academia when it comes to the task of taking the entire automobile industry towards electric mobility and that’s where DIYguru comes into play. Our Electric Vehicle Certification Courses are self paced, project oriented and enable the learner to follow their passion in a particular topic of Future of Jobs. We involve greatly in upskilling, reskilling and constant skilling to help India foster towards EV adoption faster by providing skilled manpower. Besides, developing skills, we maintain quality so that our courses will be able to compete with the global automotive industry.

EV Bus at Hyderabad Airport
EV Bus at Hyderabad Airport
  1. E-vehicles industry to create 10 million jobs in future: report
    The government had initiated the National Electric Mobility Mission Plan in the year 2013 with an objective to put 6-7 million electric vehicles on Indian roads by 2020 and committing to achieve 30% e-mobility in the country by 2030. The government’s Automotive Mission Plan 2026 evaluates to create an additional 65 million jobs in the auto sector. Learn More

  2. Flipkart Pledges to 100 Percent EV Fleet by 2030
    E-Commerce companies are coming forward to provide jobs in this field, there will be a huge demand of skilled manpower. Flipkart has announced its commitment to transition to electric vehicles (EV) by joining the Climate Group’s global electric mobility initiative, EV100. As a part of this commitment and to support wider adoption of EVs, the e-commerce giant is committing to a phased integration of electric vehicles into its entire fleet (directly owned or leased corporate fleets) by 2030.
    This will be done through placing requirements in service contracts, installing charging infrastructure close to its 1,400 supply chain premises, conducting awareness programs and incentivising delivery executives towards the use of electric vehicles. Evangelizing EVs across the breadth of its ecosystem of employees, delivery partners, and workers, the firm will spearhead the sector’s sustainability transformation, and support India’s ambition of ensuring 30 percent electric mobility by 2030. Read More
  3. Delhi EV policy’s twin boost: Faster EV adoption and improved air quality
    Government policies are providing favourable ecosystem for the establishment of EV ecosystem leading to faster adaptation and opportunities. Delhi took an exciting step toward cleaning its air with the notification of the much-awaited Delhi EV Policy on August 7, 2020. The notification of the policy marks the official commencement effective immediately. The policy aims to address the problem of deteriorating air quality in Delhi, which threatens the quality of life and health of the national capital’s residents. Learn More
  4. Moving Forward with Electric Vehicles in India – Telangana

    As part of building back better from the COVID-19 economic downturn in India, the state of Telangana approved its electric vehicle (EV) policy this week. The Telangana policy is one of the most comprehensive EV policies in India. The forward-looking policy includes strong incentives for consumers, manufactures, charging providers and the EV ecosystem. The Telangana EV policy aims to drive investment in the EV market, create jobs, ramp-up shared mobility, decrease air pollution, and help achieve India’s climate goals. NRDC and partners congratulate Telangana cabinet on approving the robust EV policy. Learn More
  5. Business Opportunities in Electric Vehicle Industry:
    Central government announced Rs. 6 per KW. Finding a location, getting the rate from DISCOM and consulting for setting up EV charging station can be great business opportunity. Learn More

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