Five impacts of scrappage policy on India’s EV market

For the economy, the policy is a clear move towards achieving green recovery in the post-Covid era. 1 min

  1. 11 Summary

    Scrappage policy is a “win-win” situation for the public as well as government,  it will reduce pollution and improve safety in the vehicle by replacing it with new Electric Vehicle technology, boost the availability of low-cost raw materials like plastic, steel, aluminum, rubber, electronics, etc.

    The government is subsidizing new vehicle purchases to curb high emissions from old fuel vehicles. And the NEMP, FAME-I, FAME-II, and state EV policies are doing the same to promote the sale of electric vehicles to reduce carbon emissions and save the environment. And this could be a new step for India to reduce pollution and move towards sustainable energy.

    Indian’s now have a more obvious option to go with electric vehicles as they will now be more affordable to buy for every EV enthusiastic and will be part of making India green.

    As older vehicles pollute 10-12 times more and that was older technology so this scrappage policy will reduce pollution plus more benefits as already discussed in this article. An increase in sales of EVs, Creation of scrap yards, employment, improved revenue, reduction in prices all will happens because of the revolutionary step that is Vehicle Scrappage policy.

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