Hero MotoCorp Achieves Guinness World Record For Creating World’s Largest Motorcycle Logo

Hero MotoCorp uniformly used 1,845 Hero Splendor Plus motorcycles to form the Hero logo at the company's manufacturing facility in Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh. 1 min

It's been 10 years since Hero MotoCorp and Honda parted ways and the Indian Motorcycle maker started its solo journey. And now to celebrate its decade-long solo journey, the company has created the largest replication of its brand's logo using one of its oldest and strongest volume generating models- the Splendor Plus. The company uniformly placed 1845 Hero Splendor Plus motorcycles to form the Hero logo at the company's manufacturing facility in Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh. The area spread over 1000 ft. x 800 ft. was used as the canvas to create this and it has been recognized by the Guinness World Record as well, making Hero MotoCorp the only two-wheeler brand to demonstrate such a big brand logo. 

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