DIYguru signed MOU with CMRTC & Hyderabad Institute of Electrical Engineers for Electric Vehicle Training

1 min

We have signed signed an memorandum of understanding (MoU) with CMR Technical Campus, Hyderabad & Hyderabad Institute of Electrical Engineers for imparting classroom training on Electric Vehicle.

It will facilitate the training of trainers, students, course development and the upgradation of the same as per the changes of technology in the automotive sector.
It will also facilitate industry tie-ups which will benefit the  students of Hyderabad  in terms of internships and placements at leading companies of the automotive sector.
Shri C. Gopal Reddy, Chairman, CMR said, “The curricula of all programs offered by CMR is designed in consultation with the industry and the concerned sector skill councils. For programs offered in DIYguru, This MOU will further strengthen the cooperation between CMR and DIYguru and reduce the gap between industry and academia.”

Shri Sreedhar Thokala, CEO of HIEE said ” We are happy to introduce EV training to Electrical Engineering students who are coming at our institute. We will be introducing 3 Months Regular classroom program with placement assistance to EV enrolled students.
Avinash Singh, CEO, DIYguru said, “India is fast becoming a global hub for the Auto sector and with such tie ups, we are certain that we will get the right talent for the automotive sector.”

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