Hyundai unveils ‘Prophecy’ concept electric vehicle

1 min

The Prophecy follows the 45 with an iconic silhouette inspired by an aerodynamic design. Leveraging the extended wheelbase and shorter overhang.
“We have brought to life yet another icon that establishes a new standard for the EV segment as well as pushing Hyundai’s design vision to even broader horizons,” says SangYup Lee, Head of Hyundai Global Design Centre. “A part of that expansion is what we call Optimistic Futurism, a design concept embodied by Prophecy. With Optimistic Futurism, our aim is to forge an emotional connection between humans and automobiles.”
The design provides excellent aerodynamics, which is vital to long driving ranges on EVs. The propeller shapes embedded in the vehicle’s wheel compel air to be drawn in and flow down the side of the body. The integrated rear spoiler complements this effect by harnessing downforce that assists vehicle stability when travelling at speed.
The transparent acrylic material provides a clear view of the functional components inside. This intentional design feature is integrated in the spoiler, headlamp and in the camera monitoring system (CMS), calling attention to the functional beauty of the components.
The Prophecy’s identity as an EV extends to the underbody. A wide air intake that is installed below the bumper takes fresh air to cool the batteries more effectively.
Design changes offer more visual freedom to passengers. In Relax mode, passengers have virtually zero visual obstacles. In a comfortably reclined position, all that the passengers see is the horizontal pillar-to-pillar display and the wing- shaped dashboard. In this mode, the dashboard swivels, allowing for a spacious interior and seat position from which passengers can enjoy content shown on the display.
External intakes placed at the bottom of the side doors allow air to circulate through Clean Air Technology, providing a steady stream of purified air inside the vehicle. In addition, the treated air is circulated back out into the atmosphere as clean air.
The flow of clean air over the interior’s wool-based felt carpet is inspired by the flow of water in nature. The interior’s colours and materials help passengers take time to decompress, aided by low-intensity ambient lighting, while gently soothing modulated colours encourage rest and relaxation.

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