Lockdown Special: Announcing 21 Days Industry 4.0 Certification Courses

1 min

“Classes are canceled, exams are being re-scheduled, university buildings are staying shut, meetings are being postponed indefinitely,” a Ph.D. student who is based in Austria tweeted last week. “Now what am I supposed to do?”
As the COVID-19 pandemic sweeps the world, many academics are of course dealing with greater concerns, such as the health of family, friends, or themselves. But for those free of illness and related burdens, and stuck at home, what do you do with your time? Here we are giving you the opportunity to learn in this 21 Days a certification course of your choice for students, professionals & scientists who suddenly find themselves working from home.

Course Type: Online & Course Duration: 21 Days

(*All the pricing mentioned below is after discount, use coupon code – CORONA50 to avail 50% discount on the original price)
1. Electric Vehicle (Rs. 3999) – https://diyguru.org/course/electric-vehicle/
2. Motorcycle Engineering (Rs. 1500) – https://diyguru.org/course/motorcycle-engineering-fundamental-course/
3. Vehicle Dynamics (Rs. 2999) – https://diyguru.org/course/vehicle-dynamics/
4. BS 6 Emission Technology (Rs 2999) – https://diyguru.org/course/bs-6-emission-norms-and-control-strategies-certification-course/
5. AUTOMOTIVE SKETCHING – (Rs. 2999)- https://diyguru.org/course/automotive-sketching-drawing/
6. ANSYS – FEA / FEM – (Rs. 1999)- https://diyguru.org/course/ansys-fea-fem-online-certification-course/
7. CATIA – CAD – (Rs. 1999)- https://diyguru.org/course/catia/
8. MULTI BODY DYNAMICS -(Rs. 2999) – https://diyguru.org/course/msc-adams-car/
9. BAJA VIRTUALS -(Rs. 1999)-https://diyguru.org/course/sae-baja-virtuals/
10. SOLIDWORKS – (Rs. 1999) – https://diyguru.org/course/solidworks/
11. LABVIEW – (Rs. 2999/)- https://diyguru.org/course/labview/
12. MATLAB – (Rs. 1999) – https://diyguru.org/course/matlab-fundamentals/
13. Fundamentals of Automobile Engineering (Rs. 3999) – https://diyguru.org/course/fundamentals-automotive-engineering/
14. Additive Manufacturing ( Rs. 2999) – https://diyguru.org/course/rapid-prototyping-3d-printing/
15. Car Repair & Maintenance Course ( Rs. 2500) – https://diyguru.org/course/car-repair-maintenance-course/

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