Nitin Gadkari suggests electric vehicles usage be made mandatory for government officials

1 min

Gadkari also suggested that government should give subsidy to buy electric cooking appliances instead of giving support for buying cooking gas to households.

Transport Minister Nitin Gadkari on Friday made a case for making it mandatory to use electric vehicles for all officials in government ministries and department.

He also suggested that government should give subsidy to buy electric cooking appliances instead of giving support for buying cooking gas to households.

Addressing at the launch Go Electric campaign, Gadkari said, “Why don’t we provide subsidy on electric cooking appliances. We already provide subsidy on cooking gas. “

He was of the view that electricity cooking is clean and will also reduce import dependence for gas.

Gadkari suggested that use of electric vehicles should be made mandatory for all government officials.

He, further, urged Power Minister R K Singh to make is mandatory to use electric vehicles for officials in his department saying he will do so for his departments.

He said that use of 10,000 electric vehicles in Delhi can alone save ₹30 crore per month.

On this occasion, Singh also announced that a fuel cell bus service will be launched from Delhi to Agra and Delhi to Jaipur soon.

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