Tesla just made its one millionth car

1 min

Tesla has produced one million electric cars, the company’s CEO Elon Musk announced on Twitter. Musk made the announcement by sharing a picture of the car, a red Model Y, and congratulated the Tesla team on hitting the milestone. It’s a significant moment for an automaker that was only founded in 2003.

Tesla released its first consumer car, the Roadster, back in 2008, meaning it’s taken a little over twelve years to hit this million-car milestone. However, it could end up hitting the two million mark a lot sooner based on current targets. In its January earnings report, the company said it hopes to ship over 500,000 cars worldwide in 2020. Established automakers like Toyota or the Volkswagen Group each produce over ten million vehicles a year. Nevertheless, Tesla’s milestone is a tremendous accomplishment for an automotive startup that only produces electric vehicles.

The electric car company hit the milestone as it begins producing more of its cars outside of the US. At the end of last year it delivered its first cars manufactured at its Shanghai Gigafactory. Meanwhile, the company is also preparing the site for its fourth Gigafactory near Berlin in Germany, after a court ruled that its tree felling work could continue following a challenge from environmental groups.

This month, Tesla is expected to start shipping its latest car, the Model Y, months ahead of its original “fall 2020” estimate. Meanwhile, the company’s Cybertruck is due to go into production in late 2021.

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