Analytics Insight provides 5 automation trends set to revolutionize Industry 42 min

Mass adoption of automation has been accelerated due to the sudden outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic across the world. Industries and organizations have realized the strength of automation in boosting productivity and gaining revenue during this pandemic. Some of them have successfully overcome the massive loss incurred in the drastic situation. According to a study by APAC, India is not set to adopt automation and has been positioned as 9th for the level of preparation in Industry 4.0. According to Statista, the automation industry is set to generate US$214 billion worldwide by 2021. 

It is a myth that automation will take over human employees. Meanwhile, it can enhance the workflow so that employees can focus on other priority work. There are multiple automation trends coming up in the nearby future that are used by other countries around the world. Let’s explore five automation trends that are set to revolutionize Industry 4.0. 

5 Automation Trends Set to Revolutionise Industry 4.0 


Blend of 5G in Industry 4.0 

Industry 4.0 is eagerly waiting for the blend of cutting-edge technologies with a 5G network for automation. The convergence provides a potential to a country to rapidly gain revenue from multiple industries efficiently and effectively. Telecommunications companies are fighting over the patent issues of the 5G network. It is expected to hit the market within 5 years and enhance IoT in Artificial Intelligence-based products. The blend of 5G and automation can enhance sustainability through electrical assets, making smart cities with digitization. 


New Normal of Remote Operations 

The outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic has transformed the workforce into work from home or hybrid workforce for organizations. This is the new normal of remote operations. Thus, automation has the potential to enhance the efficiency of employee performance and provide a safe work environment amidst the strict pandemic protocols. Integration of Augmented Reality into Artificial Intelligence models can enable remote operation where the user can observe the tasks through digital information and immersive experience. 


Hyper-automation Dominating the AI Market 

Hyper-automation is known as the advanced type of automation that can complete regular tasks at an increasing speed without any error and human intervention. It can be created by combining automation and Artificial Intelligence algorithms with multiple packaged software. Hyper-automation requires a new automation strategy with IoT in customer-facing applications in Industry 4.0. Hyper-automation can lead to hyper-personalized functionalities to enhance customer engagement and brand loyalty in the cut-throat competitive market. 


A Rise of Collaborative Automation 

Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, Big Data, and IoT together hold the potential of collaborative automation in Industry 4.0. Industry 4.0 will experience a workforce combined with human employees and automation technologies to work efficiently. Companies will initiate to adopt collaborative automation to reduce a load of tedious, rigorous, and daily tasks so that the employees can focus on other crucial and creative tasks. The implementation cost will be expensive but the higher ROI in the nearby future makes it worth investing. 


Demand for Voice-activated Automation 

Voice-activated automation enables greater flexibility and improves the flow of productivity in the work environment of Industry 4.0. It is becoming a trend at homes with voice assistants like Alexa, Siri, and Google Play. Companies can allocate other different types of work to employees by integrating voice-activated automation in the workplace. Employees can order the necessary tasks to be done with the voice because some employees speak faster than the typing speed. Voice-activated automation can look a bit complex but it provides significant opportunities in the upcoming years. 


Cybersecurity Automation 

The pandemic has given rise to the tremendous use of smart devices and data explosion in the last two years. This has also created a plethora of opportunities for malicious hackers to look for victims and demand ransomware through blackmailing with confidential data. Automation in cybersecurity is becoming essential to deal with each and every alert or threat coming from cyberattacks. Security Orchestration Automation and Response can ease the burden of cybersecurity by determining some tasks with human interaction and some in full automation mode without human intervention. Automation is becoming an integral part of cybersecurity technology. 


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