3 Days Workshop on Electric Vehicle Design & Development at Goa Engineering College

1 min

Goa: DIYguru in partnership with FSAI (Fire & Security Association of India) conducted 3 Days of Electric Vehicle Design & Development workshop at Goa Engineering College, Ponda, Goa.
This is the very first workshop of it’s kind in Goa to develop the overall ecosystem and improve E-Mobility and Transportation in and around Goa.
The workshop was inaugurated in the auspicious presence of Goa Engineering College Principal, Dr. M. S. Krupashankara in presence of DIYguru repersentatives and GEC, Faculty coordinator, Ganesh Hegde. The chief guest of the event was Shri KK Shekhar, President, FSAI Goa Chapter. The event was supported by Hyundai with the Guest of the Honor was Bharat Kamat, Chairman at Indian Green Building Council Goa Chapter. The inaugural ceremony also witnessed the presence of Dr. Jennifer Lewis e Kamat, Director of Kamat Infra Tech Pvt. Ltd.

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